Posts in Nutrition
Detox Limeade + Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the plant pigment that gives plants their green color but its real claim to fame should be that it is chock full of vitamins and minerals. This emerald green superstar is found naturally in plants like spinach and kale, but you can also find it in a liquid dropper form at the health food store. Chlorophyll barely has a taste so it can be added to water, smoothies, cocktails... or made into this deliciously refreshing detox limeade. Cheers!

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What You Need to Know about Hormones and Acne

In my experience, having clear, radiant skin is an inside job. We can slather our faces with the best topical treatments out there, but if there is hormonal imbalance, liver congestion, and/or gut inflammation brewing beneath the surface, those fancy creams can only get you but so far. If you are struggling with acne and sense that something about your diet and lifestyle is inflaming your skin and causing your breakouts, start with implementing some of the tips outlined in this post.

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Top 10 Picks from Trader Joe's

I know this is crazy, but before a couple weeks ago, I'd never been to Trader Joe's! Whole Foods has everything I need so I haven't needed to venture out of my cozy grocery store bubble....until I was asked to write a blog post about what I buy from Trader Joe's!

I must say, I was pretty impressed by TJ”s! First of all, it's pretty darn cheap! I got a ton of stuff and my bill was under $100 which rarely happens at Whole Foods. I found their private-label products to be high-quality overall and the layout of the store makes for an enjoyable experience. It's worth going there, at least every now and then, to see what fun new products they've released and pick up some great finds. If you're a regular at TJ's or a newbie like me, this post includes my top 10 picks!

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Everything You Need to Know about Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting, aka IF. You've likely heard of it but may be thinking it's just another wellness fad. While it may seem that way, IF really it isn’t a fad at all. It is what our ancestors naturally did before electricity, refrigeration, food delivery and microwaves! They would naturally go periods of time without food and their digestive systems would get a nice long break from the energy-intensive process of digesting food. In our modern world, food is never scarce. Actually, quite the opposite - we've got access to food around the clock! Eating late into the evening and again first thing in the morning doesn't allow our digestion/detox systems to work on removing metabolic junk and toxins that build up in the body over time so health problems, like weight gain, insulin resistance, inflammation, increased oxidative stress, impaired cognitive function, accelerated aging, etc. can ensue. In this post, I've outlined everything you need to know about intermittent fasting - including why and how to do it if you decide it sounds right for you. I also discuss gender differences and how to make it work with your exercise routine.

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Natural Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Spring is the time when the earth comes back to life; everything gets green again and hundreds of beautiful plants begin to bloom. It is also the time when seasonal allergy sufferers have to stock up on their go-to allergy remedies. Symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy/watery eyes, sneezing, headaches and fatigue can put a real damper on the season and negatively affect quality of life. Antihistamine medications can provide some relief, but often come along with other unpleasant side effects like drowsiness. The good news is that allergy symptoms can be kept in check without medications. Read the full post for my natural allergy remedies!

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Best Teas to Help You Deal with Stress

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon can be particularly challenging during the work-day. My clients tell me that these times are usually when they feel tired, bored, fidgety, frustrated, stressed and often get the urge to snack (even when they’re not hungry). One of my go-to suggestions is to get up from your desk and make a cup of tea. By choosing one that offers stress-relieving benefits, this ritual becomes even more productive! Fve medicinal teas for helping you cope with stress are up on the blog!

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Tips for Staying Healthy While Eating Out (and Still Enjoy Yourself!)

Going out to eat is a great way to socialize and spend time with friends and family. It can be a bit anxiety-producing if you're working hard to clean up your diet and reach your health goals because you never know what's really in your food (was it sauteed in canola oil? was flour added to a sauce? was corn syrup in the salad dressing? etc.)! So how do you find balance and freedom while eating out without totally derailing your health and weight loss goals? Check out my newest blog post to learn how to navigate menus and eat healthfully when dining out...while still enjoying yourself!

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13 Best Travel Snacks

JERF. Just Eat Real Food. That's my motto and I hope it is yours too! Travelling can make JERFing pretty challenging. I've put together a list of my top 15 snacks that are as minimally processed as packaged food gets. Before your next trip, I recommend packing your bags with some of these so you’re never caught hangry and forced to resort to airplane fare!

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12 Ways to Boost your Metabolism

We all want a quick metabolism, right? When people are struggling to lose weight, they often blame their slow metabolism. The goal in speeding up your metabolism is to do things that make it easier for your body to burn energy instead of store it, and therefore lose weight instead of gain. I've put together my top 12 tips for supercharging your metabolism on the blog!

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How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

A calorie is a calorie, right?..... WRONG. Food is much more than just calories; it is information for our cells. Every bite of food you eat sends out a specific set of instructions to the body–instructions that influence satiety, metabolic rate, brain activity, blood sugar and the way we store fat. The same number of calories from different types of food can have very different biological effects. For these reasons, for clients who want to lose weight, I rarely, if ever, mention calories. I know this might be blowing your mind right now, but it's true -- you don't have to count calories to lose weight! It’s not that calories don’t matter at all; it’s that nutrients matter more. Considering calories as the most important factor in how we choose what foods to consume is an overly simplistic view that doesn’t consider nutritional quality. Quality, balancing macronutrients properly, getting in touch with your hunger & satiety signals and paying attention to meal timing are all way bigger influencers on your weight. To learn more about how the weight loss equation of 'calories in versus calories out' is far oversimplified and what you can be doing instead, head to the blog!

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3 new supplements to add to your medicine cabinet

Collagen. You've heard of it. But in case you need a refresher, collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and it’s a key constituent of all connective tissues. It provides the infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system (considered the “glue” that holds the body together!) and it’s the primary building block of skin, hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, bones and joints. Our natural collagen production declines as we age - think wrinkles, thinning hair, brittle nails, achy joints, etc. We can provide the amino acids our bodies need to maintain the health of these structures by using collagen as a protein powder supplement, adding it to smoothies, coffee, soups, oatmeal, etc. In addition to supplementing these key amino acids, we can also include vitamins and minerals need to enhance our body's own natural production of collagen. Vital Proteins (my fave brand of collagen peptides) has formulated a few supplements that do just that, namely Spirulina, Beef Liver and Beauty Boost. Read this post to learn more about the benefits of each.

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Here's what you need to know about going keto

Keto. The diet everyone is talking about. The diet that is based primarily on healthy fat…including some adequate protein and very little carbs. The high-fat ketogenic diet was originally designed to treat epilepsy, however studies now show that this way of eating can be beneficial for those suffering from obesity, cancer, type-2 diabetes, as well as people looking to increase energy, lose body fat and enhance cognitive function. The goal of the keto diet plan is to shift the body’s metabolism in favor of burning fat instead of sugar for fuel. While being in ketosis has many benefits, adhering to this diet is pretty tough for most people as it requires measuring/tracking food consumption and very careful monitoring of your body’s ketone production. To learn more about what exactly ‘going keto’ means and if it might be a good fit for you, check out my post!

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Ever wondered why you can’t drink a cup of coffee past 11am or you’ll be staring all the ceiling all night, while your husband can have an espresso after dinner and sleep like a baby? The way your body breaks down and responds to caffeine is actually influenced by your genes! As a result of gene variants, some of us are fast caffeine metabolizers while others are slow metabolizers. Fast metabolizers can guzzle coffee all day and feel great – these lucky dogs get a whole bunch of benefits too, like increased metabolism, mental clarity, etc. Slow metabolizers are better off drinking green tea (which has about half the caffeine as coffee) or even skipping caffeine altogether, otherwise they get jittery, anxious and have disturbed sleep. To learn more about caffeine genes, fast/slow metabolizers, as well as the health benefits of coffee and green tea, check out my post!

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